About Me

Hello readers! My name is Ally Zentner (in the picture on the left -- I'm on the right) and I am the writer of this blog! First and foremost this is a blog for my communications class, but that doesn't mean that it will be all work all the time.  I intend to have fun with this blog and begin to apply the Zentner Perspective to anything that comes my way.  It is a great opportunity to learn new social media, while hopefully getting my voice heard.  My destination with this blog = unsure, it's a destination to be determined in the future at some point, but until then let's have fun.

I am a junior cooperative education student at St. Joseph's University, majoring in Marketing with two fantastic tracks: 1. Advertising and Promotions 2. Sports and Entertainment, all while minoring in Communications (sounds fun huh?).  Outside of classes I manage to have time for my sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, the BEST sorority out there, and to continuously 
work for Walmart.  (Yes, Save Money-Live Better!) No, I'm not a door greeter -- check my resume out to see my real position!   And even with all of this, I always find time for my friends, family, and my nonstop homework. (even if somethings are completed pretty last minute -- who out there has never procrastinated before!). Expect all of these parts of me to be included in each blog post.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy reading. Hopefully, soon I will be able to figure out how to connect an RSS feed!  Therefore, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!