Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Creative Graphing

Blog post: Design an engaging data display/infosthetic. Use any means to create the display: pen and paper; Graph Jam, Word; PowerPoint, Keynote, Pages,Gapminder Desktop.

Needless to say,  when I read this task I was nervous.  Never have I ever... created a graph online.  How was I going to do this?  But thankfully, our teacher provided us with links.  I was able to go to this site and pick exactly what kind of graph I wanted to make -- a venn diagram obviously from the image below.  Then I had to chose the colors I wish to work with, purple and pink seemed to work well together (girly just like myself). Then I had a choice: do I chose data? or do I chose a fun saying? I decided to use a fun quote.  Specifically one by John Lennon.  This is the results:

"Love is the answer, and you that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow."
What a powerful thought.

1 comment:

  1. This is soo cute! I love mushy things. The colors go well with the subject too!
